Endangering Wildlife to Widen a State Road to Park City
SR 224 ranks 5th in the state of the top 25 animal and wildlife crash hotspots. The solution has proven elusive.
Building For Growth Leaves Salt Lake’s Unsheltered Out of Equation
As winter approaches what are state and local leaders doing to shelter the unsheltered?
Can Utahns Trust Their Leaders?
The gap between the will of the people and the will of the elites is growing — why?
The Future of Short-Term Vacation Rentals in Weber County
Ogden Valley now has just over 1,000 legally zoned short-term rentals, amounting to nearly 25 percent of all dwellings. What is their future?
More than Ever Utah Couples are Deciding to Not Have Children. We Ask, Why?
From 2010 to 2020, Utah’s birth rate declined by almost 22 percent, a trend mirrored across the US during a decade marked by economic struggle and the onset of the…
The Fate of Ogden’s Union Station
A storm brews in Ogden, Utah over what will become of its iconic but neglected Union Station which dates back to 1869.
Utah’s Scary Housing Market
With $2,950 per month to own a very small home, young couples have no chance of finding any affordable housing than young couples in Utah.
Will Former Sugar House Sizzler Site Turn into a Gas Station? Sugar House Residents Kept in the Dark.
Gas Station proposed for corner property. In February earlier this year, Nathan Abbot, representing Galloway US, submitted a conditional use proposal to the SLC Planning Commission to build a Kum…
Investigating Homelessness Death and Public Safety in Utah
How much has Salt Lake City spent on homeless “abatements”? Is there a better solution? Abatements are cruel and ineffective.
New York Times Journalist Appalled by the Homeless Situation in Salt Lake
New York Times photographer Robin Pendergrast says Salt Lake City’s ongoing efforts to clear out homeless people are inhumane and unnecessary.
Demise of Port O’ Call and Why Did the Borg Arrive In Utah?
The hidden story behind why Port O’Call, Salt Lake City’s most iconic bar of all time was replaced by a Borg cube.
Local and Mixed-Use Superior to Corporate Big Box Zoning
Mixed-use developments (a combination of retail and living space in one area) nearly always outperform strip malls, big-box developments and suburban-style cul-de-sac developments in terms of overall tax revenue collected…