Utah Stories
If Salt Lake City’s Homeless Had a Say in The over $20 Million Spent on Them
If Salt Lake City’s Homeless Had a Say in The over $20 Million Spent on Them, Here Is How They Would Spend it?
Localism vs. Globalism: Utah Companies Bill Gates put out of Business
The worst of Bill Gates’ elitist policies is his idea about farming and agriculture. Gates is buying up farmland all over the United States. He wants to control more water…
Homeless in Salt Lake City: The Worsening Conditions of the Chronically Homeless and Those Suffering from Mental Disorders
Salt Lake City’s “unsheltered” homeless population is swelling. There are many more homeless people sleeping outdoors than ever before.
Utah’s Megadrought: Have the abundance of Spring rains made a difference?
Despite the recent recurring rains we have had along the Wasatch Front, in the month of April and early May, Utah is not even close to being in the clear…
Utah’s Porn Problem
Does Utah’s repressive religious culture push people to view porn more than in other states? What happened to Utah’s porn czar?
Roe vs. Wade Utah Capitol Rally on Mother’s Day
What was originally billed as a walk turned into a rally and then a protest with more than 300 people in Salt Lake City on Mother’s Day.
What to Do about Smishing Text Messages
As emails have given way to text messaging as a communication preference, scam artists have followed suit with smishing text messages.
Ogden’s Own Distillery’s Event for Local Bartenders and Servers
Ogden’s Own Distillery hosted a unique first-even event at their large campus featuring local vendors and the Inaugural Server Cocktail Race.
Moab Growth Limited by Building Cost and Water Supply
The Moab Master Plan states that if current build-out rates continue at the pace they are at, water usage will need to decline per-capita by 52% to provide enough water…
Local Artist Creates Jewelry out of Elk Ivory
Local artist Megan Clarke makes sterling silver jewelry using elk ivory, turquoise, and other precious stones.
Free Speech and Censoring of Independent Voices and News Outlets
Democracy can only flourish if there can be free speech, free discussion and debate over the most important topics and issues.
Sugar House Naturopathic Medical Doctor Believes Psychedelics Change Lives
Naturopathic Medical Doctor, Todd Cameron is a strong proponent of medical marihuana, CBDs and psychedelics as a treatment for many disorders.
Five Points that the Utah State Legislature Should Consider in Revising Utah’s Medical Cannabis Laws
Five points on why easier access to medical cannabis can help solve problems such as the opioid epidemic and overdosing on fentanyl.
Utah Medical Cannabis Update
There are now 46,000 Utah residents carrying medical cannabis recommendation cards. This is a massive increase from the total count 18 months ago which was just 11,000, which had already…
Home of Truth: A Ghost Town Play Showing in Allen Park April 29th through May 1st, 2022
Home of Truth: A Ghost Town Play, a walk-through theatrical experience will be taking place in Allen Park. The play is based on real events.
Ketamine Beyond the Hype
Many people find relief from their depression when using ketamine. But what are the benefits and risks of this treatment?