Utah Stories

Roe vs. Wade Utah Capitol Rally on Mother’s Day

What was originally billed as a walk turned into a rally and then a protest with more than 300 people in Salt Lake City on Mother’s Day.


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What was originally billed as a walk turned into a rally and then a protest in Salt Lake City on Mother’s Day, when more than 300 people showed up at an event sponsored by the Utah Alliance regarding the current hot button issue of Roe vs Wade and its supposedly pending repeal by the Supreme Court.

As you can see, some of the signs provided some “strong” opinions. A few pro-life folks showed up, but a UHP presence eliminated any potential conflict.

Article and photos by Robin Pendergras of Robin Pendergrast Photography has been doing photography for 25 years.

Robin is a regular contributor to:

  • Washington Post/syndicate
  • NY Times/syndicate
  • Getty Images
  • Time Magazine/ Top 100 Photos/2020
Robin’s philanthropic missions in SLC include:
  • The Outside Academy
  • The INN Between
  • Salt Lake Air Protectors
  • Supporting musicians/bands. 13
  • Utah Homeless / Nomad Alliance
  • Ukrainian Arts festival
  • Utah Ukraine Association
  • American Federation for Suicide Prevention / Utah chapter
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