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Finding Focus:Advice from Bestselling Authors Mathew McConaughey and Tim Ferriss

How do we maintain focus in a world full of distractions? We find answers from a best-selling book, written for entrepreneurs nearly 14 years, “The Four-Hour Workweek.” by Tim Ferriss and McConaughey’s best-selling new book “Greenlights”. Let’s start with McConaughey’s Greenlights.


In this episode of the Utah Stories podcast we depart from news, and we delve into a life philosophy. The main question we are seeking to answer is: 

How do we maintain focus in a world full of distractions?

We find answers from a best-selling book, written for entrepreneurs nearly 14 years ago, “The Four-Hour Workweek.” by Tim Ferriss and McConaughey’s best-selling new book “Greenlights“. Let’s start with McConaughey’s Greenlights.

“Be more involved and less impressed”

It is a very simple statement but it is one of the key tenets of Actor Mathew McConaughey’s new bestseller Greenlights. Few Hollywood actors have had the staying power as well as the ability to transform and adapt their careers as McConaughey has from romantic comedies to serious subjects. And very few actors have the ability to handle their fame and success without self-destructing. We cannot live impressed with everything, everyone and that includes even ourselves. 

Ferriss’ best-selling book is very different from what readers might assume from the title. It’s a book that goes more into the art of simplifying business operations, to simplify and free-up time in order to join the “New rich” who value time and experiences more than money or status. 

Ferris offers a chapter in his book about “information dieting”. The concept relates to our limited bandwidth and the ability for absorbing useful information. If we expose ourselves to too much useless information we impact our attention in a negative manner that results in not having the ability to absorb or more importantly act upon useful information. 

Everybody who is attempting to operate their own business, manage their own lives better, and maintain a better handle on focus could benefit from the two little golden nuggets I’ve gleaned from these books.

  • “Be more involved and less impressed.” -from Mcconaughey’s Greenlights
  • “Go on an information diet.”-from Ferriss’ Four-Hour Workweek

Utah Stories suggests you purchase these titles from your locally-owned bookseller.

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