With the black and gold exterior of the store, Taste, is unlike anything on the block, and looks more upper eastside NYC than Provo. Taste opened its doors in Provo late last year and has already filled a niche that many Utahns weren’t aware needed filling. Truth be told, Provo was in desperate need of its own fine chocolate tasting facility and its own chocolate factory.
“The best chocolate in the world hasn’t been made yet, but in April that will change,” jokes Phil Davis. Co-owner Char Davis says that “the original vision started with our manufacturing of Coleman Davis Artisan Chocolate. My husband and I love chocolate and have always wanted to open a tasting room. We already owned the building. Because of the space and the way it was set up, the idea for Taste evolved into what it is now.”
The idea that a fine chocolate factory would open in Provo is not too hard to understand. “Utah is the perfect place to make chocolate. It’s a high altitude, dry climate and hey, people in Provo love chocolate!”
Starting a chocolate factory during a global chocolate shortage might not seem like the strongest business idea but, third partner Morgan Davis says, “The beans we’re using to produce our chocolate are already on more of the scarce side. We use a non GMO bean that has a great, full flavor. The beans that are in short supply are ones that 90 percent of the industry manufacturers use. Our goal is to produce the best chocolate from the worlds best cocoa beans with no add-ins, and to offer an opportunity to taste the finest chocolate from around the world.”
In addition to a variety of chocolate, which includes a Friis Holm bar that costs $40.00, Taste offers fine vinegars, olive oils and sipping chocolates. “We are hoping to have our grand opening in April, and our chocolate line will be ready soon!” §
117 N University Ave, Provo
Mon-Wed, 1-6 pm; Th 12-8 pm; Fri 12-9:30 pm; Sat 12- 8 pm; Closed Sun