Utah Stories

A Need to Knead: Moore Bread

Looking for delicious bread you can receive on a monthly basis? Read all about Moore Bread here.


moore bread utah

moore bread utah
Ryan Moore holding loaves of fresh baked bread

A revolution is on the rise in Utah. Loaf by loaf, Ryan Moore’s distinct breads have the power to reshape the way we think about our oldest source of sustenance.

Moore Bread is Utah’s first Community Supported Baker (CSB) program through which participants buy monthly shares and receive exceptional, consciously crafted loaves made from locally grown and milled organic flour.

Ryan has created bread programs at notable SLC restaurants, including Eva’s and From Scratch. More recently, he enrolled in theBread Baker’s Guild of America, and, last October, participated in the guild’s Team USA competition, the nation’s most prestigious artisan bread baking event.

When Ryan returned from the competition, he decided to direct his singular passion into a sole endeavor. Adamant about quality, Moore Bread ingredients are organic and locally-sourced. “I buy as much as I can from the Farmers Market,” he says. “Freshness is the key to better flavor.” Fresh-milled flour, he says, yields “out of this world flavor.” Moore Breads are all natural, non-GMO, vegan and vegetarian.

Ryan Moore's Potato bread resizedAnd though ingredients are paramount to a superior product, Ryan claims that “it’s not the recipe that makes the bread, it’s the baker.” What sets his bread apart, he indicates, is his understanding of the relationship between ingredients and the baking process. Baking a loaf in two hours, he says, is “insane.” “That’s not enough time to break down the proteins and enzymes into a form that our bodies can easily digest.” Each Moore Bread loaf is the end result of a 40-hour process that includes 36 hours of fermentation which allows the wild yeast in the levain, a traditional flour and water bread starter, to convert complex sugars to gases.

Science aside, Moore Bread is robust in both form and flavor. Deeply-colored, thick crusts encapsulate an airy cushion of oven-baked dough, rich in complex flavor. In each through-the-night baking session, Ryan creates Ciabatta, Pain au Levain, Rustic Roasted Potato and a daily special bread that customers may pick up at designated locations. Moore Bread is also now carried in Tony Caputo’s markets.

Looking at Ryan’s lean frame, you wouldn’t guess he eats a whole loaf of bread every day. Bread, and its host of carbohydrates, we’re told, should be shelved if we want to steer clear of unwanted pounds, but singling out the staff of life as an insidious accomplice to obesity is a popular accusation that Moore would like to rectify. “People are afraid of wheat,” he notes, “and there’s nothing wrong with gluten as long as the protein is broken down into structures our bodies can digest. My whole mission is to create bread that people can consume.”

“No other bakers in Utah are doing what I do,” he maintains, “and I make a mean loaf of bread.” Sign up for a share, and join the revolution.



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