The 2023 Sundance Film Festival is here and along with a multitude of fine films, attendees and guests can also avail themselves of various sponsored lounges to enjoy a beverage, music, and more, both in Park City and Salt Lake City. Here are some options that – as far as I can tell – do not require a ticket, pass or invitation. Of course, there are also plenty of bars and restaurants in Park City and Salt Lake City to grab a beer, wine, coffee, or favorite cocktail as you navigate the Sundance Film Festival.
Park City
Enjoy complimentary hot beverages, a Rabbit Hole cocktail, and coffee bar at The Energy Lab at the Acura Festival Village ( must be 21 and over to attend), along with a live DJ and phone charging stations. 480 Swede Alley
Beverages and coffees are served in the afternoons at the Canada Goose Basecamp where you can escape the cold and the organizers say that “Each day, fans can expect new and innovative programming, special events, and surprise guest appearances.” 558 Main St.
Enjoy free coffee, tea and Stacy’s Pita Chips at Stacy’s Roots to Rise Market daily. “, Stacy’s Pita Chips invites you to shop and snack at women-owned businesses that are part of the Rise Project. While you’re here, make sure to catch a screening of the Rise short film, created by a team of today’s most renowned storytellers amplifying narratives of women entrepreneurs continuing to make history. Each day will also feature unique events, programming, and special surprise guests.” 660 Main St.
The folks from Stanley say, “Join us in the Creator’s Lounge at The Cabin and celebrate Sundance with fun activities and beverages in iconic Stanley drinkware. Enjoy aura readings, latté art classes, musical performances and more. Plus, we’re giving away free IceFlow™ Flip Straw Tumblers as gifts for our guests—while supplies last—so that you can hydrate sustainably at the festival and take it home and use for years to come.” 427 Main St.
Salt Lake City
Visit Salt Lake is again helping locals and visitors get their Sundance Film Festival groove on in Utah’s capital city by hosting the always-popular Festival Lounges nightly from Friday, January 20 through Sunday, January 29, 2023.
Two lounges are planned for this year, and both will have a wide variety of live music, performances, filmmaker appearances, and lively discussions. Adjacent to a new screening venue this year is the Festival Lounge at HallPass located at The Gateway. Returning as a favorite venue will be the Festival Lounge at Copper Common*, located just around the corner from the Broadway Theatre. Both will feature daily entertainment and a variety of tasty food & beverage options. * Copper Common is a bar and patrons must be 21+ and present valid ID.
There is no entrance fee and it’s open to the public, but seating is limited. All Festival Lounges are ideal locations to discuss film, art, theater, and cultural pursuits both pre- and post-screenings.
“With the growth in Salt Lake’s role in Sundance, it’s critical to continually enhance the Festival experience, be it before or after a film screening at one of the Lounges or simply relaxing and enjoying some excellent local music in a casual setting,” commented Michael Mack, Director of Travel Trade & Strategic Partnerships for Visit Salt Lake. “It’s been exciting to see the growth and success of Sundance here in Salt Lake, and I believe the urban experience offers something completely different, yet complementary, to that of the Park City scene.”
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Originally trained as an anthropologist, Ted Scheffler is a seasoned food, wine & travel writer based in Utah. He loves cooking, skiing, and spends an inordinate amount of time tending to his ever-growing herd of guitars and amplifiers.