Utah Stories

News Censorship: A Top Investigative Journalist Not Allowed to Speak the Truth

The great reporter Glenn Greenwald quit his job at Intercept because he was told that he couldn’t report six weeks ago how Joe Biden’s son Hunter was involved in what looked like obvious corruption.


The great reporter who broke the Edward Snowden NSA classified information story Glenn Greenwald quit his job at Intercept. He was told that he couldn’t report on Joe Biden’s son Hunter involvement in what looked like obvious corruption. The mainstream media’s claim was that everything concerning Biden’s son was “Russian disinformation”. 

Big tech, social media companies joined mainstream media in blocking this story and censored posts relating to this scandal. 

Greenwald is a reporter who determined years ago that he would be a non-partisan, investigative journalist willing to do everything in his power to protect his sources and present the truth to the public. 

Greenwald did this even to the extent of putting his life in jeopardy while he was protecting Snowden in a variety of foreign countries. If it weren’t for Greenwald we would have never known the vast extent to which the NSA is spying on Americans.

Greenwald maintains the highest of journalistic standards while the editor and publisher at The Intercept is not. The entire mainstream media silenced this story (including Twitter that wouldn’t allow the Washington Post, or even the White House to even link to the story).

Now when the facts are impossible to suppress the mainstream media is finally reporting on the Hunter Biden corruption story. 

This is a clear example of the new low that the media and big tech companies have reached in their willingness to support biased journalism over the facts and the truth. This represents their willingness to suppress information that doesn’t support their overall agenda.

Unfortunately, this is the mark of a failed state, where facts and truth cannot be disseminated to the public. If the main-stream media continues to go down this path, our democracy will be irreversibly eroded.






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