Utah Stories

American Eagle Welding

Welding can be a successful field if you are willing to work hard. Read one Utah man’s story.


Steve Merkley of American Eagle Welding Photo by Dave Jensen

In American Eagle’s dimly lighted fabrication area, the staccato popping of welding torches casts a flickering light on stacks of raw steel and rods of iron railing that protrude from barrels and bins. In the center of the room, a two-story vertical pipe is being transformed into a spiral staircase with the addition of stair treads, balusters and railing. The finished product will be the centerpiece of a luxurious Bountiful home.

Steve Merkley established American Eagle Welding in 2002. After finding himself unemployed as the result of a layoff and a limited severance package, Steve knew he had to chart a different course. “I had to make a living,” Steve says, “and I had to do it fast. Six kids and a wife was a lot of motivation.”

Running a business was hard at first, and Steve recalls that there were a lot of expenses. “In the beginning, you really have to watch taxes before you do anything else,” he says. “Just because you have money coming in doesn’t mean you can spend it.”

After a slow and cautious start, Steve has watched his business thrive over the past 13 years. Working jointly with his business partner and brother-in-law, Wendell Moon, American Eagle has grown into one of the most recognized names in ornamental iron design and fabrication in the Intermountain area.

With 30 years of combined experience, Steve, Wendell, and their crew of five welders design and build specialized aluminum and wrought iron projects, incorporating their personal artistry into a variety of architectural styles for commercial and industrial needs, custom homes and landscaping projects.

Steve’s greatest satisfaction comes from knowing that his fencing protects and beautifies many of the finest homes and businesses in Salt Lake. “It gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment that I can add beauty to someone’s home or business with a quality product.”

American Eagle Welding, Inc.

735 W 200 N, North Salt Lake


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