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Greg Miller to Step Down as CEO of Larry H. Miller Group of Companies

Major changes to take place immediately at LHM Group of Companies. What does this mean for Utah?


greg miller

greg miller
Greg Miller, former CEO of LHM Group of Companies

After seven years as CEO of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies, Greg Miller has announced that he is stepping down to pursue personal interests. Gail Miller, owner of the LHM Group announced today that she would transition the Group to a new corporate structure. The new structure, which will include an outside board of directors, is designed to provide for multi-generational family ownership and future growth. In addition to Greg’s departure from his day-to-day role, Steve Miller has also chosen to step down from his role as president of Miller Sports Properties to assist in other areas of the family’s interests. Bryan Miller will retain his position as President of Miller Inspiration. All three will fill roles in family governance.

Greg Miller said: “This is the right move for me personally, for my family and for the business. It has been a privilege to fill the role of CEO and to be a steward of this outstanding organization that my parents sacrificed so much to create and develop. The Larry H. Miller Group of Companies is now entering a new phase and requires a new structure. I have been fortunate to have worked with some of the best and brightest people anywhere.”

The Larry H. Miller Group has experienced unprecedented growth during Greg’s tenure. Under his leadership the Group has doubled in revenue and number of employees and now includes more than 80 companies across the United States. He also led the Utah Jazz through some of the most challenging years in franchise history overseeing numerous changes involving coaches, players and front office staff.

The Larry H. Miller Management Corporation under the direction of Clark Whitworth, its president, has assumed Greg Miller’s responsibilities. Jim Olson, currently chief operating officer at Miller Sports Properties, will assume Steve Miller’s responsibilities on an interim basis. The presidents of the other enterprise groups will continue in their current roles.

Gail Miller, owner of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies said, “Today is a significant day in the history of this company. The changes announced in the organizational structure of the Group are a natural evolution of a large and growing enterprise. Larry’s dream was for our businesses to survive the two of us well into the future. This change will provide the structure for that to happen. Greg was successful in taking over for Larry while facing one of the toughest economic times in our country’s history. He has done an outstanding job leading this organization and his many accomplishments will have a profound, lasting effect on our family businesses and our communities for generations to come. I am extremely proud of the work he has done and very appreciative of his excellent leadership these past seven years.”

Contrary to internet rumors, the Utah Jazz will NOT be leaving Utah. 

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