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Behind the Scenes at Red Rock Brewing

Red Rock Brewing has perfected the art of the craft beer.


Red Rock Beer
A glass of refreshing beer at Red Rock.

At Red Rock Brewing it’s all about quality rather than quantity. According to Kevin Templin, Red Rock brewmaster, the brewery doesn’t have a high output compared to some other craft beer establishments, but what they do offer is flavor achieved with top notch ingredients. “We’re not in a hurry to get big and we don’t want to just pump out a brew that is not up to our standards.”

Red Rock offers three categories of brews – Draft Classics, Fine Line and Artist Palette.

By law draft beer in Utah can’t exceed 4% ABV. Stronger beers can be sold in bottles only. So the Draft Classics are beers that can be served on tap that are well balanced and designed for drinkability.

The Fine Line beers are old in 500 ml bottles – one true pint – and are bolder than the draft beers. Without the same alcohol restrictions the Fine Line brews are more potent.

Finally the Artist Palette beers allow the brewmaster to be creative. Looking at combinations of ingredients, science and traditions this is where the experimentation comes in. One beer in this line, their spring brew, is their Paardebloem. Paardebloem is the Flemish word for dandelion and the recipe uses dandelion greens instead of hops.

For Red Rock’s 20th Anniversary this year they will be offering Imperial Red Ale. Templin describes it as very hop and malt aggressive and at 9.5 by volume it is just a “big beer all the way around.”

Templin says craft beer in Utah is booming. “Everyone wants to try something new and Utah has very savvy beer drinkers.” With established breweries and new startups the industry is creating jobs and contributing to the state coffers with tax money.

As for the future Templin says, “We will just keep on keeping on. We’ve been here for 20 years and we’ll be here for another.”

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Red Rock Brewery locations:

Downtown Salt Lake – 254 South 200 West

Fashion Place – 6227 South State Street

Park City – 1640 W Redstone Center

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