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Alpenglobes Prove Huge Hit with Utah Restaurants

Alpenglobes allow diners to feel safe, and also enjoy the outdoors. Insight Exhibits construct them out of wood and plexiglass.


Insight Exhibits Alpenglobes

When Covid struck Insight Exhibits, they were faced with either laying off the majority of their employees or finding a way to keep workers on their payroll. They found the opportunity in helping restaurants by making Covid-friendly outdoor igloos. The igloos allow diners to feel safe, and also enjoy the outdoors. They construct the igloos of wood and plexiglass, which they call Alpenglobes. 

Cafe Galeria Midway alpenglobe

So far they have tested the Alpenglobes at Cafe Galleria in Midway, Utah and they are an astounding hit. The Cafe says that they are now booked out for reservations until February. Reservations are $20, which goes toward the cost of food if diners spend more than $100. The cost of the igloos if you want to buy one? $12,000





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