Utah Stories Top 5

Northern Lights Could Be Seen From Utah This Weekend

The Northern lights could be seen in Utah this weekend. Photo credit: Prescott Mccarthy and Clint Wirrick.


  1. Northern Lights Could Be Seen From Utah This Weekend 

Northern lights could be seen on both Saturday and Sunday night this weekend. People across Utah stayed up overnight to watch these lights. This video was sent to Utah Stories from @prescottmccarthy and @clintwirrick at the location @mystichotsprings. 

  1. Kilby Block Party Was This Past Weekend 

This weekend Kilby Block Party celebrated its 25th year anniversary. Headliners took the stage like Vampire Weekend, Death Cab for Cutie, and LCD Soundsystem. Utah Stories went on Day 2 and loved seeing TV Girl, Current Joys, and Death Cab for Cutie. 

  1. What Are The Newest Housing Developments? 

Governor Spencer Cox and his housing czar have decided on $300 million in subsidized loans for builders and zoning tools, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. The plan notes a shift toward single-family home construction. The new plan will be called the Utah Homes Investment Program, according to The Tribune. To read more go to The Tribune’s website. 

  1. Part of Kane Creek Development Turned Down by County 

The Grand County Commission declined to issue a permit for a wastewater treatment plant and water storage facility intended to serve a planned development on Kane Springs Road, according to Moab Sun Times. This utility project is a part of the Kane Creek Development plan which is causing controversy among Moab residents. Go to Moab Sun Times website to read more on this story. 

  1. How Is A.I. Affecting the U.S. Power Grid and Will Affect Utahns

Artificial intelligence is driving both chip company stocks and energy demand to unforeseen heights, with North America’s nine-year growth forecast doubling due to the construction of AI-hosting facilities, according to Fast Company. Grid Strategies’ projections indicate a near-doubling of growth to 4.7%, with peak demand set to increase by 38 gigawatts, equivalent to powering over 12 million homes. Experts warn that these figures may underestimate actual demand, with the next forecast expected to show even higher growth rates. The surge in AI infrastructure, coupled with cryptocurrency interest and other factors like electric cars, poses challenges for power providers in meeting demand and raises environmental and consumer protection concerns. Go to Fast Company’s article to read more. 

*Content for this article curated from other sources.

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