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Is ChatGPT Dangerous for Kids?

What is GPT? Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of this AI tool.


You might have heard of an emerging AI software called ChatGPT that allows you to do virtually everything, from generating beautiful graphic designs to solving complex equations. Although this tool presents endless possibilities, it also poses some challenges especially to kids. For instance, teenagers could use ChatGPT to complete their school essays and projects.

In this article, we’ll discuss whether chatGPT danger for kids and how you can protect your kids from the possible dangerous effects of the GPT chat bot.

What Is ChatGPT Used For?

You could be wondering: what’s all the hype about this particular AI chatbot? Well, chat generative pre-trained transformer (ChatGPT) can perform a variety of functions that could make life much easier.

Apart from composing well-researched essays and solving math problems, ChatGPT can do hundreds of tasks that include:

  • Provide a friendly companion when you’re lonely
  • Compose song lyrics, poems, and creative pieces
  • Derive historical facts and events
  • Create real-life renditions of cartoon characters
  • Explain complex concepts in a layman’s language
  • Provide DIY home improvement ideas

It’s easier to list down what ChatGPT can’t do, which makes it the best AI chatbot in the market today. However, this AI language model might not be suitable for growing children because it makes everything easy to achieve, preventing them from learning effectively.

ChatGPT can be trained to help kids rather than perform assignments for them. However, GPT should never supersede good old-fashioned parental supervision.

Pros and Cons of Kids’ Using ChatGPT

Despite possessing a myriad of advantages, ChatGPT can also present an assortment of perils for kids. Let’s discuss a few benefits and drawbacks of ChatGPT among children.


  • GPT helps kids learn new languages and accents
  • It provides ethical assistance with schoolwork
  • GPT can share stories, fun jokes, and kid-friendly literature
  • It offers children innovative word-based games to play
  • Kids can ask ChatGPT hard, awkward questions and receive creative responses


  • It offers children little room for creativity
  • There’s a lack of ample human interaction when children over-rely on GPT
  • ChatGPT provides limited information since it only states what it’s been taught
  • It causes kids to grow lazy and lack self-drive
  • Children grow up being tech-dependent which smothers their cognitive skills

Can You Protect Your Kids with mSpy?

Parents have a moral obligation to protect their kids from the potentially harmful effects of the internet. So, how can you protect your little ones from the shortcomings of GPT AI chatbot? 

Well, using a dedicated tracking app such as to monitor their smartphone activity could help.

mSpy is a powerful spy app that contains an assortment of features to help protect children from the destructive consequences of using AI-based apps that are trending today.

Some of the ways that mSpy can help include:

  • Tracking. This app comes with a browser history viewer, screen recorder, keylogger, and other unique features that can track how often they use ChatGPT.
  • Reporting. Once mSpy spots something dangerous after analyzing your kid’s browsing history and keyword usage, it immediately sends you an alert via email.
  • Content blocking. Parents can choose to remotely block websites and apps that contain inappropriate content on their kids’ devices in order to protect them.
  • Operating in stealth mode. The most remarkable part of using mSpy is that it works undetected on the target device. It doesn’t display any suspicious icons or logos that could spook your loved ones.


There’s no question, ChatGPT is definitely the best AI chatbot right now. Although this tool provides a plethora of benefits, it can cause irreparable harm to a child’s development. Using a trusted monitoring app such as mSpy can help you discover whether your kids are using ChatGPT when online.

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