winter sports

The black market of steroids in the USA – real prices for steroids in America

From the author – this article highlights the American view on the quality of steroids and their price. This article will talk about the real cost of “pharma” in the U.S. Thank you for your attention. Purchasing anabolic steroids has not been a big deal in the last decade. If you wish, you can easily…


From the author – this article highlights the American view on the quality of steroids and their price. This article will talk about the real cost of “pharma” in the U.S.

Thank you for your attention.

Purchasing anabolic steroids has not been a big deal in the last decade. If you wish, you can easily buy them in most gyms, university dormitories and, of course, online. Since the pharmacology market in America, today is developing quite rapidly, respectively, some people want to make good money on it. And if you recently bought your first “course,” I assure you, you probably overpaid for it.

The question of determining the real price of anabolic steroids is quite tricky, several important factors influence it. The first important factor is who and for whom the drug was produced. If it is a huge pharmaceutical corporation that provides these drugs for therapeutic purposes, then be prepared that you will pay the highest possible price for this AAS.

Such a high price for steroids produced by famous pharmaceutical companies is explained by the fact that corporations spend a lot of money to calculate the dosage of all substances and their sterility as accurately as possible. Also, do not forget that large enterprises pay huge taxes on the production of these steroids for sale. The price for one package of testosterone from Balkan will include not only the price for the production of this product, but also taxes, advertising, packaging and, of course, the standard market mark-up. Marketing, research and development, shipping costs, clinical trials, and employee salaries will all be included in the price of one package you pay for. But this is not the end. As you understand, you will not be able to come to any pharmacy and buy a few ampoules of testosterone; this requires a prescription doctor (which is very difficult/unrealistic to get in the U.S.). To do this, you will need to find a person who will be able to get the drug for you illegally and then at their discretion to increase its price. And only then will you be able to sell it to you. Here is roughly taking into account all these factors, it is worth calculating the real value of officially produced steroids on the black market in the United States.

Some athletes sometimes use steroids produced by large pharmaceutical companies dedicated to animals. In such a case, the price of such a product will be relatively lower than that of steroids produced for humans. But in this case, there are also pitfalls of their own.
Another cheaper option is to buy steroids produced in illegal laboratories. So-called “handicraft production.” These steroids are produced illegally and, accordingly, are not subject to any state checks or tests. Some laboratories have been providing a reasonably good product for many years. But unfortunately, there are those who produce extremely toxic, non-sterile, and non-quality products.

Illegal steroid laboratories are constantly appearing and disappearing. Most of these illegal labs produce quite a quality product, and I have rarely heard anyone complain about the result. Another problem is the size of the dosage and purity of the steroid. Usually, the difference between the drug produced by a large pharmaceutical company and an illegal laboratory is 50%. That is, when you buy homemade steroids, you are likely to get the diluted product. But at a very reasonable price.

It is because of the cheapness of handmade steroids that most athletes prefer them to expensive steroids produced by large pharmaceutical corporations. Moreover, homemade steroids are seldom faked, whereas in large pharmaceutical corporations, this sometimes happens.

Another way to save money on purchasing pharmaceuticals is to buy raw materials and cook for yourself. This is not as difficult as it sounds. All you need to do is buy concentrate of growth hormone in the form of a powder, buy oil, syringes, and special filters for the production of injectable solutions. Some of my friends who have been using pharmaceuticals for a long time prefer this method. It is also more economical and reliable when you do everything yourself.

This method is indeed the cheapest, but you should take into account that the initial cost of purchasing all the equipment for the production of pharmaceuticals at home is quite expensive. So you have to be sure that you will be doing it for a long enough period.

You have four ways – buy expensive pharmaceuticals, buy veterinary steroids for animals, buy medicines produced in artisanal laboratories, or buy raw materials and cook for yourself.

But there are also other factors that affect the price of drugs. So, for example, the amount of pharmaceuticals is very different depending on the season. In spring, the amount of steroids is rising sharply, as more and more people want to get pumped by the summer (note the editor – there are snowdrops in the U.S.).

The price is also influenced by whether you order drugs in the U.S. or want to get them from another country (e.g., China). If you buy steroids in the U.S., the price will be higher and the risk of purchasing a very diluted product will also increase.

It is also essential to know where and from whom you take the pharmaceutical products. If you are an amateur rocker from a small hall and you have your permanent dealer, he will most likely give you a good discount as a regular customer. And you’ll recommend it to your friends as a “good guy with a good product” in return. And so are the new illegal labs. They want to gain a customer base as soon as possible, so they’re likely to sell at a very attractive price.

I hope you understand what I mean.

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