But before my Grandparents and all of our LDS readers begin sending your letters jumping to the conclusion we are shamelessly promoting the over-indulgence of alcohol, I want to express why I believe this is a very important issue and why especially our LDS readers should read the contents our special beer issue.
Prohibition taught us that despite laws to the contrary, people will always find a way to consume alcohol for pleasure. Government intervention and laws have never stopped drinking nor alcoholism. Further, religious tolerance of alcohol has produced very healthy moderate drinkers while religious intolerance of alcohol often results in uneducated drinkers causing great harm to themselves and society.
To the end of curbing alcoholism and the negative consequences it has on people, their families and society, we at Utah Stories believe a little education can go a long way. This is why we have written a simple guide to help all Utahns towards taking advantage of all the healthy benefits of beer without burdening themselves with all of the unhealthy habits which can consequently lead to the destruction of a person and their family due to alcoholism. Binge drinking and unhealthy drinking practices run rampant in Utah, due to a lack of basic education in alcoholism prevention.
Subscribe to Utah Stories and receive this guide for free, delivered directly to you e-mail in-box. Learn how you can enjoy the best beers that Utah has to offer but also maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol, saving yourself and your family from heartache and ruin.
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