Independent News

University of Utah Graduating Girls

Girls getting degrees aren’t in school to fool around.


Surprise! girls are getting Degrees and aren’t in school to fool around.

Graduating girls from the University of Utah Art History Department

Amanda Beardsley, Stephanie, Hohlios Laura, Hurtado Scotti Hill All graduated with Masters degrees in Art History.
Amanda Beardsley, Stephanie, Hohlios Laura, Hurtado Scotti Hill All graduated with Masters degrees in Art History.

The number of Graduating girls continues to surpass the number of graduating guys.  Since 1990 the number of women receiving degrees has surpassed the number of men, and every year this gap widens. While the guys are staying home playing their X-boxes and mastering the World of Warcraft, girls are getting degrees and mastering the world of business. What this means is more men’s knitting circles, more women CEOs. More women doctors and more men learning to express their feelings and obey their wives.

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