Something that Salt Lake has been craving and didn’t even know it
by Paige Wiren
The goal is not to be different for different’s sake. If you just wanted to be different, you could put your clothes on inside out, or wear a hiking boot on one foot, and a high top sneaker on the other. But if you want different, and artistic, and fashion forward, and locally-generated, shop for your clothes at Tempest, now open on the corner of 900 E and 1300 S.

For Melissa Christensen and Patrick Dacasto, opening Tempest is a natural and progressive complement to the already well-established sister store Koi Piercing. Patrick’s fondness for style is colorfully obvious when you meet him. “I’ve always been interested in self-expression, and believe that outward expression is a glimpse of the inner self. For me, fashion picked up where other forms of expression fell short. Melissa and I have been wearing these styles for years. People would ask me where I got what I was wearing, and the inquiries were always so sincere that we thought it was time to bring them to the valley.”
As a buyer for Koi, Melissa met designers who created not only jewelry but also clothing and accessories. “No one in Salt Lake has carried these items before,” Melissa declares. “These clothing designers are amazing, independent artists. There’s never been anything like this in Salt Lake before. And, since the designers are artists, they are motivated to create new pieces so we’ll be getting new things in all the time.”
“Come one, come all,” Patrick invites. “We’re really excited about the business. We are giving this city something that Salt Lake has been craving and doesn’t even know it.” §
Learn More:
Tempest Couture
1305 S 900 E
Salt Lake City
(801) 486-1188