Comic Con starts September 24, 2015 and fans are eagerly lining up to see what’s new. Utah Stories has a sneak peek:
1. Funko Pop Collectibles World Tour featuring Asia and Hikari collectible lines. Click here for more information: http://saltlakecomiccon.com/portfolio-item/funko-presents-pop-life-tour/
2. Action Figure Photo Op – get your photo taken in an Action Figure Box and become your own hero. http://saltlakecomiccon.com/portfolio-item/action-figure-photo-op/
3. Heroic Tales of the Extraordinary – a Salt Lake Comic Con exclusive is a collection of short stories by up and coming authors with the proceeds benefiting Aaron Allston Foundation. http://saltlakecomiccon.com/portfolio-item/heroic-tales-of-the-extraordinary-anthology/
4. Guinness World Record Attempt. Salt Lake Comic Con will attempt to break the world record for the largest gathering of comic book characters on Friday, September 25. http://saltlakecomiccon.com/guinness-world-record-attempt/
5. Star Trek Continues Episode V – world premiere. Star Trek Continues is an award winning web series. http://saltlakecomiccon.com/star-trek-continues-world-premiere/
And more – including the Captain America Harley, the Game of Thrones iron throne, The Supernatural 1967 Chevy Impala and a Star Wars battle pod.